Day 2 of Park Hunt. Peter Pan Park ... sounded kindof cool. I had just watched Robin Williams playing Peter in Hook. My GPS found it and took me here. I saw a jungle and some pretty nice houses, quiet neighborhood but not exactly a park. The foliage was so thick I wasn't about to go into it. Texas does have all FOUR of the poisonous snakes, even if I am in the middle of the City. But I couldn't believe my GPS was lead me astray.
So I parked the car around the corner and walked back. This was all I found. No hidden sign. Nothing that looked like a trail I would embark on. It would be a good place to hide something, like God forbid, a body. A neighbor finally took pity on me and asked if something was wrong. He told me this was definitely NOT Peter Pan Park and then gave me the directions, which were guaranteed to get me lost. Fortunately I had my iPhone and google maps too. So a few turns away and I found it. Peter Pan Park. Est 1969. 3802 Echo Brook Lane. A much easier way to get there than the way I took - going south on Marsh, left on Royal, right on Peter Pan Lane, just past Princess. Piece of cake.

Back behind the jungle gym and swing sets was this awesome bridge across the creek to ???? to someone's driveway and an alley that runs behind expensive houses. Really gives me the feeling that I'm intruding on someone else's private space. So I crossed back over to the park. Much of which was still unininhabitable with a few dirt trails. If I were, say 10 or 12, I might venture into those 'wild' areas, but not at this advanced age. I KNOW I'm not immortal. And I HATE snakes. So I'll stick to the paved areas. But I could see the young boys in Peter Pan's world hanging out in those spaces.
Actually the park was not crooked, like this picture, but it's easier to get more in with a slightly angled picture and it is more interesting - to me anyway. The picture of the playground was taken from the area to the right...down 3 or 4 or 5 steps. Could see the bridge from there as well.

After the rather short walk around Peter Pan Park I left for the neighborhood. A few residents out strolling the streets, lots of Halloween decorations and well shaped trees. Actually walking the neighborhood streets was almost more fun than walking the park.
Eventually I got back to my car and noticed my husband is right. I can't park. My perception is totally off. Look how far from the curb I am! I'm surprised the neighbors didn't complain about that, but then in this neighborhood people are either well enough off to NOT work or conveniently office at home. I seemed to be the only one on the way to work. The traffic was minimal. In these neighborhoods Halloween is evidently a month long holiday. I especially liked the blow up boat filled with Peanuts characters.