The day we left Iceland Captain Steig made an announcement that we were going to skip Newfoundland! Because of the weather…Hurricanes Michael and Isaac were combining and heading toward Newfoundland. There was a ‘troubling low’ between Iceland and us. We would take evasive action to avoid the storms and keep us safe. Hard arguing with that.
Before we left on this adventure I was goggling hurricanes and pilots and ran across a pilot chat board espousing different opinions about flying and hurricanes. Some pilots are drawn to the danger and fly into it. Others prefer to put their passengers safe and fly around it. I’d rather be with Pilot B. Ditto for Ship’s captains.
On the 10th the captain held a meeting in the Coral Theater at 11 to inform us of the status. He, his engineer, and the hotel manager were in the hot seats. He might have diffused any possible anger by hiding behind a shield in case we were throwing tomatoes.
After 43 years in the business he said he still had not been to Newfoundland either. 50 percent of the time that port is cancelled due to weather. Someone asked why RC kept it on the itinerary. Of course September Is hurricane season, so we took our chances when we booked. I’ve heard from other passengers that Newfoundland is quaint, like a step back in time. We may have to fly in order to get there.
Since we had 3 sea days to Newfoundland, one day there, and then two more to Boston, the evasive action was going to put us on the sea for 6 days. When asked what compensation we were going to get for missing a port the Captain joked ‘you are getting an extra sea day’. One passenger’s suggestion was for each table to get a free bottle of wine. We actually did receive a bottle of wine, but when asked if we could exchange it for sparkling water the wine disappeared with the porter who brought it.
My favorite questions – one guy wanted to know if the ship carried a spare stack, another wanted to know if all the lifeboats worked. I just wanted to know why we didn’t have Big Brother updates, but I was too chicken to bring it up.
Caught another lectures by Professor Stooke on “The Latest News from Mars”. While it seems to be a strange series to be on this cruise, it was fascinating, especially to Terry. He referred us to the jpl website (jet propulsion laboratory’s) for the latest pictures on Mars, which evidently are updated daily. I learned that the Martian Canals are actually a spider web of lines, an optical illusion produced by our brains because our eyes are good at connecting the dots, that it is a 3 years trip to Mars and back (one I am not likely to go on) and that it gets it’s red color form the iron oxidizing in the rocks over 4 billion years. Probably everyone else knew this stuff but it has been years since I have been in a science class
. Learned a little more about my digital camera at the Photo Gallery Nerd’s seminar. Although I comprehend pretty well, applying that knowledge to my camera seems to be more of a challenge. Like where do I find the f stop? Etc. I need remedial tutoring.
Watched the movie Leap Year in the cute little cinema seated next to another passenger who advised me that Viking river tours with a passenger manifest of about 300 were the best she had been on. I’ve added it to my bucket list. That list just keeps getting longer, much to Terry’s chagrin.
Hanna Starosta serenaded us with her violin, which unfortunately put me to sleep, through no fault of Hanna’s. Something about the rocking of the ship and warm air rising to our reserved seats in the balcony which we insist on using because they are reserved especially for us…the only reserved seats in the house. They make me feel special.
We talked about a swim at 3 AM in the Solarium to avoid the crowds. In my case a crowd is more than three people. Although tempted, the lure of sleep was too great.
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